Faith In The Unfolding

April 11, 2022

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In my many reading travels I've come across the quote; "Have Faith In The Unfolding". I have always loved that sentiment and thought of it when I took this photo in my garden last week.  Everything worth while takes time and for some reason the universe doesn't give us everything we want all at once or the second we desire it! It can be a challenge to have patience and faith especially when we live in a world of instant gratification and highlight reels! 

Recently, I heard Jasmine Star use the quote: "REJECTION IS REDIRECTION". I LOVE that perspective and have found it to be quite true with my 50 years of experience on EARTH! Sometimes we don't get what WE THINK WE WANT but that moment in our lives can force us to GROW, EVOLVE, AND REDIRECT our attention towards  something that will be much more fulfilling or meaningful to our story and authentic self! 

Sending faith and patience to all who need it today! 

Amy ♥


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